To purchase cards and prints,
please download an order blank.
To purchase an original, and for all other inquiries,
please contact Kirsten at:
Thank you, Jesus...
~ for Paul, my husband of 46 years
~ for our daughter Elisa and her husband Ricardo
~ for our daughter Sara and her huband Jim
~ for five delightful grandkids – two boys and three girls
~ for the heritage of family members who walked with God – long before I was born
~ for the worldwide church and our home congregation – Hope Presbyterian, Richfield, MN
~ for the privilege of painting these images
Additional thanks...
~ to our daughter Elisa for creating this website
~ to my husband Paul for hand-crafting the pens in the Pen & Cards Gift Set on the "Cards" page.
~ Kirsten
Let the favor of the Lord our God be upon us, and prosper for us the work of our hands - O prosper the work of our hands! Psalm 90:17 (NRSV)